- Was written by William Shakespeare between 1610-11
- Many critics believe to the be the last play he wrote by himself
- The earliest recored performance is on the 1 Nov, 1611 at Whitehall Palace

Synopsis -
The Duke of Milan Prospero, begins to withdraw more into his studies leaving his brother Antonio to deal with the management of the country.
One day with the help of the King of Naples, Alonso, and his brother Sebastian, Antonio plans to overthrow his bother and claim the title of Duke for himself.
Antonio sends his brother with his young daughter Miranda once night out too see in a rotten boat, in the hope they drown.
Prospero and Miranda end up landing on an island inhabited by Sycrorax, an evil witch, her son (with the devil) Caliban, who Prospero enslaves, and Ariel, a spirit which has been trapped in a tree by Sycrorax until Prospero arrived and freed it.
From his studies Prospero has learnt the magic arts and rules the island and it inhabitants, Miranda grows up never seeing another human - only her father and Caliban.
One day, Prospero has a vision in which he see's the ship of his enemies come close to the island. He sets about making a storm to shipwreck them - this is where the play above begins, showing Prospero conjure the storm and its effect on the boat.
Miranda question her fathers motives, but Prospero assures her he means no harm will come to the survivors on the island.
The survivors end up on the island and Prospero sends Ariel to separate them, directing Ferdinand, the son of the King of Naples, to Prospero. Here, he meets Miranda and they instantly fall in love, Prospero wants to test his love therefore sets him difficult tasks to complete. Although he does wish them to marry since it doing so he can join Milan and Naples, yet he does not want to make it easy for them.
The King of Naples, Alonso is with his brother, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo and two more lords are left wandering around the forest. Alonso believes his son, Ferdinand to be dead and mourns his loss. Meanwhile Antonio persuades Sebastian to kill his brother and take the crown for himself.
The final party on the island is the drunken butler, Stefano, and the jester, Trinculo. They come across the monstor Caliban who drinks with them and persuades them to help him murder Prospero so he can claim back his island to live in peace. Ariel overhears this plot and warns Prospero.
Meanwhile, Prospero magics a banquet for Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio and the others who are now exhausted from looking for Ferdinand. As the party celebrates, since they are famished, Ariel appears as a nightmarish harpy, the feast disappears and Ariel accuses the men of being sinners. Telling Alonso his sin has been repaid in the form of his son, leaving Alonso feeling guilty.
Meanwhile, Prospero magics a banquet for Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio and the others who are now exhausted from looking for Ferdinand. As the party celebrates, since they are famished, Ariel appears as a nightmarish harpy, the feast disappears and Ariel accuses the men of being sinners. Telling Alonso his sin has been repaid in the form of his son, leaving Alonso feeling guilty.
Prospero, happy with Ferdinand's work and his and Miranda's love presents the couple with a marriage masque celebration with goddesses and nymphs to sing and entertain them. Three goodnesses then perform the rite of marriage, which is interrupted when Prospero remembers Caliban's murder plot.
Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano have been lead through prickly hedges and briars before being left in a nearby boggy pond by Ariel. Prospero and Ariel set a trap by laying out beautiful clothes, when the three men find these they decide to steal them, only to be chased by spirits in the shape of hounds.
Finally, Prospero asks for Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio and the others to be brought before him, clothed as the rightful Duke of Milan. Prospero then forgives all three men, even though Antonio shows no regrets, and Alonso returns his title of Duke to Prospero. Prospero then presents them with Miranda and Ferdinand who explains to Alonso of their marriage.
Finally, Prospero brings Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo back. Caliban apologises and say's he has learnt his lesson and Stephano and Trinculo are to be punished by the king. The boatswain then returns, he has been on his boat asleep the whole time, shocked to find the boat intact and everyone alive. They all decide to return to Italy, Prospero gives up his magic, they leave Caliban on the island and Prospero asks Ariel one last task, to make the sea's calm and favourable for their return before setting him free.
The final scene is a speech by Prospero who asks the audience to forgive him and only with their applause can he be free and leave the island.