Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Romance and Tragicomedy

Dr Charles Moseley, English Lit, Cambridge University
Lecture on Romance and Tragicomedy from Massolit

The reading matter for many people of the time would of been Romance.

What was the narrative structure of Romance?
Typical stricture is to begin in a stable situation which is then put under some stress, the hero is then separated from the stable situation and taken away for a period of trial and testing. They are then changed by this and reintegrated into the more stable structure.
This can be seen in the subplot of Miranda and Ferdinands romance; Ferdinand is in a stable situation traveling on the boat with his father and the other Dukes. The situation is put under stress by the storm and Ferdinand is scared by Ariel and separated from his father, he is then put under trial by Prospero to see if he is worthy and is love is worthy of Miranda. He returns to his father, changed since he wishes to marry Miranda, and the situation is made more stable since their marriage will unite the two kingdoms and all the characters are forgiven by Prospero.
It can also be seen as comic, the hero does not know they are going to come back, they don't know everything going to be alright but the audience/reader does since we know the format of Romances.

How was Tragicomedy defined?
A literary genre that blends both tragic and comic forms, often a serious play with a happy ending. A tragedy is a serious story which often involves death of one or more characters, a comedy is a lighthearted story with a happy ending. A tragicomedy fits between this, it does not involve death or awful events to be called a tragedy yet it is not lighthearted enough to be called a comedy. 
It a style which is very clear in the first and second decade, with recurring themes of redemptions after literal and symbolic storms, redeeming of fathers by children by marriage.

Why was tragedy seen as an inappropriate form for a Christian audience?
Giovanni Guarini an Italian critic and playwright since Christianity does not stop with tragedy but offers reconciliation and redemption with resurrection, the post tragic possibility. Therefore Tragicomedy being the higher form was more suitable for a Christian society.
This essay by Guarini was translated into english by a comrade, John Fletcher, of Shakespeares therefore it was more than likely that Shakespeare would of known of these ideas.

How does The Tempest conform to the dramatic unities?
Uses the three unities of place, time and action and gets over the problem of time for Miranda to grow up by having it described in Proposeros long speech to her. Technique from classical writers as 'historian proton', putting the second thing first and having a flashback.
The Tempest represents an action which is single and complete and the time and action in the play is the exact time of reality.
Also incorporates comedy through Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo's actions and sub-plot.

1 comment:

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