'Your charm so strongly works 'em that if you now beheld them, your affections would become tender... mine would, sir, were I human' Ariel (Act 5, Scene 1, line 17-20)Ariel is a spirit yet hear he shows more empathy to the characters of Alonso, Antonio and Sebastian than Prospero and these lines lead to Prospero's decision to forgive and reconcile rather than continue in his revenge.
'Thus neglected worldly ends, all dedicated to closeness, and the bettering of my mine' Prospero (Act 1, Scene 2, line 90-91)Here Prospero is explaining to Miranda how they came to be living on the island, it is not only beneficial to the characters but also to the audience as it gives them a before narrative to work upon without having take time and act it out. Prospero is meant to be a typical magus in which their aim was to better their mind in the hope of doing so they will become a better person. Yet, Prospero was usurped since he 'neglected' his Dukedom and wasn't a very good leader and then for the majority of play it could be said he seeks revenge rather than knowledge. Therefore only by the end of the play do we actually see him better his mind.
'This island's mine by Sycorax my mother, which thou tak'st from me.' Caliban (Act 1, Scene 2, line 332-333)This quote supports a colonist reading of the Tempest where its seen that Prospero came to the island and forcefully took it from Caliban, the original inhabitant, with the idea that he shall make it better. Caliban's lines are aggressive, punctuated and short which adds to the idea that he isn't from the same place that Prospero and Miranda are from and make him seem less civilised.
'Whether thou beest he or no, or some enchanted trifle to abuse me... since I saw thee, Th'afflication of my mind amends'It seems that Alonso cares little if Prospero is real or not, he is more received for the fact that their is someone else human and known on the island. Although he then goes on the resign his dukedom and asked 'thou pardon me my wrongs' it could be read this is more out of relief rather instant regret for the fact he send Prospero away on the island.
'I'h'commonwealth I would by contraries execute all things.' Gonzalo (Act 2, Scene 1, line 144-145)This is the introduction to Gonzalo's speech on how he imagines Utopia and it foregrounds how he believes the current way society runs is not perfect. This reflects the characters that have come from this society, Sebastian, Antonio and Alonso are all seen presented as corrupt. In the continuation of this speech we see that Gonzalo is being contradictory since although he asks for 'no magistrate' in laying out these rules Gonzalo himself must be the ruler.
It accentuates Gonzalo's differences with the other Lords in believing a place like uncorrupted and peaceful could exist, showing both his innocent and naivety and his goodly nature.
'There great guilt, like poison given to work a great time after, now 'gins to bite the spirits' Gonzalo (Act 3, Scene 3, line 105-107)Gonzalo is commenting on the frenzied stated the three Lords are left in after they were visited by Ariel. He uses a simile, comparing their guilt to poison, to express how this guilt is afflicting and its adds to the performance on stage. Having Gonzalo comment on the mens actions make the drama more realistic and the audience understand exactly what has caused them to be like this.
'Look how well my garments sit upon me, much feater than before.' Antonio (Act2, Scene 1, line 269-270)Shakespeare uses clothes again later in the play, when Prospero uses it as a trap for Trinculo and Stephano. Clothes are a presentation of a characters wealth and status, Antonio uses them as a metaphor to present how much better off he is since he claimed Prospero's title. He states they fit more elegantly which insinuates that he is comfortable in the position and that its rightfully his, which as an audience we know isn't true.
'You may thank yourself for this great loss' Sebastian (Act 2, Scene 1, line 118)Directed at Alonso it shows how little sympathy Sebastian has for not only his brother but his king. Instead of being supportive, as Gonzalo is, Sebastian almost mocks Alonso and claims that he has made a mistake. This adds to his 'bad' character in the play, making him seem less likeable and foreshadows how he would murder his brother in order to selfishly gain power.
The statement questions Alonso's authority making him seem like a bad leader since he has got himself into this mess and for recognising this it make Sebastian seem like he would be the better leader.
'The devils speaks in him!' Sebastian (Act 5, Scene 1, line 129)Sebastian is calling Prospero 'the devil' which is ironic since overall in the play Prospero is seen to be the good, righteous character putting order back into place, whilst Sebastian and Antonio are the evil characters creating more disorder.
'There would this monster make a man' Trinculo (Act 2, Scene 2, line 28)The corruption of man is presented through this simple sentence, Trinculo is explaining how he would like to take Caliban and cruelly display him for money. In the Jacobean period this would not of been uncommon, often freaks were taken out and displayed for people to stare at and when the colonisation period began, natives from these countries were also taken back. To a modern audience it does present how discourteous society and with comparison to naive Miranda's belief of the 'brave new world' she is going to return to seem much less befitting.
'Give me thy hand. I am sorry I beat thee. But while thou liv'st, keep a good tongue in thy head.' Stephano (Act 3, Scene 2, line 103-104)Theme of reconciliation and forgiveness are found in these quotes, since Stephano did get overcome by his power created by Caliban and beat Trinculo for something he didnt do. Here he is asking for Trinculo to forgive him and seemingly to become friends again. Although Stephano seemingly threatens Trinculo as well, telling him to keep him to not speak. Stephano has no real power, the only power he has is from his nomination to be leader from Caliban, who seems like a bad chooser for a good leader.
'No, precious creature, I'd rather crack my sinews, break my back, than you should such dishonour undergo' Ferdinand (Act 3, Scene 1, line 26-28)Ferdinands answer to Miranda's offering to help him carry the logs uses a lot of imagery to accentuate to the audience the toil he would undergo to please her, or her father. It emphasised to the audience the idea that Ferdinand does actually love Miranda, which otherwise could be seen as skeptical since she is seemingly the only woman on the island.
The use of hard sounding words like 'crack' and 'break' make the line sounds quite masculine, especially in comparison to Miranda's softer lines before using 'bear' and 'pray. Although this contrasts his earlier portrayal as weak, mourning over the supposed loss of his father.
'Oh wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here!... Oh brave new world that has such people in't!'Miranda is overall a very naive and innocent character and these lines sum it up paticullary well. She is looking upon the characters of Antonio, Alonso and Sebastian who are all seemingly evil, corrupt men who revolted against he father and the reason she confined to the island. Miranda ironically calls them 'goodly' creatures, which presents her naivety to how men could be corrupt. It possibly is also an extension of Prospero forgiveness, being that Miranda as his daughter is an extension of him. As he states to Ferdinand 'here a third of mine own life.' Therefore presenting that the men are fully forgiven and possibly giving the audience hope that these men can change for the better and become goodly men.
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